About ICCI Tuticorin

Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Tuticorin

The Merchants’ Association was established in June 1913 to serve as a forum to speak for and protect the interests of merchants, and its activities were confined to local issues. After the world war, realizing the need to reshape the economy, the Associations’s activities were restructure and with the willing co-operation of the local trade, the name of Merchants’ Association was changed to “Indian Chamber of Commerce, Tuticorin” was brought into being in may 1922.

After obtaining a License in 1925 from the Government for Registration with limited liability, without addition of the world ‘limited’, the chamber was duly incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 in 1925. Our Chamber’s present membership is more than 400 which includes corporate houses and other trade associations.

Call to ask any question 0461- 232 0405 (or) 0461- 233 7405

Since 1925


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Get in touch

Get in touch for any kind of help and informations

Our Office Address:

Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
#84-B, South Raja Street,
Tuticorin- 628 001,
Tamilnadu, India.


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